Liz and Kelly's Running Trails of the Triangle Bucket List

A list of trails and greenways to tackle in spring 2018

My friend Kelly (an excellent mentor captain for Fleet Feet running group, Fresh Air Fitness coach and organizer, the awesome gift organizer for Duke Children's Hospital, and the founder of First Pages) is doing something epic this summer: she's running the Bryce Canyon ultra-marathon. She's tackling the 50K course, a rough trail race covering 31 miles in the national park. I am super excited for her and a little envious - I have such a love for running and for hiking, so combining the two and doing trail running just makes sense, so I eagerly volunteered to accompany her on some trail runs. To help her train we've come up with a bucket list of local trails to run:

Liz’s List


Trail marker at Carolina North.


Neuse River Greenway

A trail at Umstead State Park

We've got a few items that overlap so I'm excited to get out and do some exploring asap! We'll be tackling these trails this spring but if you know any other trails that should be on this list please let us know! Of course we'll be sharing our running adventures with you. I can't wait to start our runventures and hit the trails!

Do you know any other local running trails that should be on this list? Let me know in the comments!


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