Spring Sneak Peek

Catching a glimpse of spring through photos

I'm pretty sure my body is in shock - it was freezing this weekend on the Appalachian Trail and yesterday in Durham it was in the 80s! What what what?! On my run yesterday my body was like, "what is wrongggggg with this world?! I was hot and then cold, yes and then no..." but hey, that's NC weather for you. (Yes, NC weather is a Katy Perry song.) 

Poor spring has been struggling with all these mood swings. The forsythia bush started blazing up yellow in February and never reached peak with the cold snap, and then one of my cherry trees ended up with black knot fungus all over the tree, so we had to chop down the cherry tree (and I cannot tell a lie). Even so, I've managed to get a few sneak peek photos of spring. Enjoy!


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