Fall Feelings and Freebies!

Note! This post includes affiliate links (*). If you make a purchase using one of my links I get a small (at no cost to you!) commission or discount. I promise to only link products that I'd recommend and use myself. I strongly encourage you to first consider shopping small and locally, even if it means I don't get the referral commission. Otherwise I really appreciate your support: blogs are expensive to run and maintain and I'd like to get out of the red one of these days, thanks!

What it’s like recovering after a 100 mile race? To be honest, it’s still an on-going lesson. There’s been a lot of rest. There’s been a lot of food. There’s been a lot of walking. There’s been some rock climbing and mountain biking and a few attempts for some veeerrrryyyyy easy runs.

And there’s been plenty of time for me to go slightly stir crazy and dabble in some neglected hobbies (see Exhibit A: a blog post for no particular reason!) 😆

But a period of rest also means Saturday mornings at the farmer’s market picking up fresh local flowers and produce from family farms. It means spending a ludicrous number of hours drawing in my bullet journal. It means playing with macro photography. It means seeing friends and catching up on sleep and watching Star Wars*.

Because here’s the secret: the goal isn’t to balance every little thing into every single day. The goal is to balance everything over a lifetime. To everything, there is a season. And for me, right now, it is a season of rest.

And being fidgety and making some art. 😉 So I hope you enjoy these photos I took recently of some dahlias I got from Sassafras Fork Farm and pumpkins and gourds from Parker Farm and Vineyard at the South Durham Farmer’s Market! And since I was so excited about these images, I actually made some phone wallpapers! (Shoutout to my friend Qiudi for the idea back when I first played with macro photography in the spring!)

There are a few ways to get the phone wallpapers download:

  1. Purchase the autumn wallpapers from my Etsy shop! (Yuuuup, I’ve got an Etsy shop! Please don’t hate me, lol)

  2. Sign up for my mailing list and get the wallpapers as a free download!

  3. Support me on Patreon! (Okay, this one comes with a great big caveat that my Patreon page is still under development and I’ve been inconsistent with posts. But this is a great option if you’re already thinking about how it’s coming up on the end of the year and you’re eager to start planning for 2022! I’ll have plenty of printables shared on that page in the coming months to help you plan!)

Thanks so much everyone for your support, and let’s go on an adventure soon! (Ish. Soon-ish. I still need to finish my R&R time, lol) ❤️


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