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Friday Favorites

Round-up for Fri-yay Fast Favorites


Round-up for Fri-yay Fast Favorites

A quick summary of exciting news past, present, and upcoming!

It’s been a hot minute since I blogged consistently and shared some Fri-yay Fast Favorites, and there’s a lot of exciting news that I’ve been sharing on social media, but I never did share it in one coherent space! So here’s a super quick summary and round-up of some of the things going on in my life and some of my current favorites that I wanted to share with you.


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Moonchild Yoga Wear


Moonchild Yoga Wear

Checking out new yoga leggings from a Danish company

Has anyone else been doing yoga at home and found yourself “downward, facing dog” instead of in “downward-facing dog”? (Please tell me it’s not just me, lol) So when I got a new pair of Moonchild Yoga Wear leggings from Aktiv, Ryder had to help me try them out.


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Fri-yay Fast Feature: Rebecca Mehra


Fri-yay Fast Feature: Rebecca Mehra

Looking forward to chatting with an elite 800 and 1500 meter runner

Super fast I wanted to feature one of my favorite fast athletes today on the blog — Rebecca Mehra! I first saw Rebecca at Sir Walter Miler in 2019 and recognized her as a Oiselle Haute Volée (elite team) athlete. Rebecca is a professional mid-distance runner specializing in the 800 meter and 1500 meter (basically the mile for those of us less immersed in track & field).


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Fri-yay Fast Favorite: Yoga with Adriene


Fri-yay Fast Favorite: Yoga with Adriene

Following along with “Breath — A 30 Day Yoga Journey”

I’m usually pretty quiet on the blog towards the end of the week, but I thought I might start a habit of Fri-yay Fast Favorites — super quick little posts about some of the things I’m enjoying recently. And first in the series is this year’s Yoga with Adriene 30 day yoga journey!


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Who Are You? Reader Survey Results and Friday Facts


Who Are You? Reader Survey Results and Friday Facts

Whooooo are you? Who who who who? Does anyone else have The Who stuck in their head now? Anybody? Nobody? Are you nobody too? Then there's a pair of us! Okay, quirky old references that Millennials won't get aside, I wanted to share some insights with you all from the reader survey! It was pretty fun seeing the results from the survey in terms of who is reading and what you want to see on the blog. In case you're curious, I've picked out a few interesting things that came up in the survey to share with you, so pull up a chair and let's chat!


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Appalachian Trail Memoir "A Walk for Sunshine" is a Cheerful Read for Hiking Enthusiasts


Appalachian Trail Memoir "A Walk for Sunshine" is a Cheerful Read for Hiking Enthusiasts

Jeff Alt's memoir describes his thru-hike adventures and fundraising for Sunshine Communities

I've got to admit something to you all: as much as I love hiking and books I've actually read very few trail memoirs. Sure, I've read the basics like Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods and Cheryl Strayed's Wild, but that's about it (correction: that is it!), and even then those are hiking novels written by writers rather than memoirs written by hikers. So when Beaufort Books reached out to me to see if I'd be interested in reading Jeff Alt's A Walk for Sunshine I was eager to give it a chance.


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Bullhead Mountain


Bullhead Mountain

Exploring trails at private mountain retreat in the snow

This recent snow from the "bomb cyclone" or whatever cute name we're supposed to call it calls to mind the trip McCrae and I made to Bullhead Mountain a few weeks ago. It had snowed a few days before we drove up to a small town outside Boone to stay at a mountain cabin owned by McCrae's uncle and aunt, and in the morning when we pulled on our warmest hats and coats the drifts lay deep in the mountain shadows.


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Top Posts of 2017


Top Posts of 2017

2017: A Year in Review - Author favorites and reader favorites

So apparently it's kinda a thing to do a round-up post at the end of the year with your most popular posts. I don't know if it's humble-bragging or if it's to check the pulse of the blog and go, "wait a all liked THESE posts?! Dang it, I'm in the wrong niche" or what, but it sounds fun so let's do this! Except I'm picky, so I'm going to first give you MY top favorite posts of 2017, and then we'll poll the audience and see how we do. Kinda like "The Newlyweds Game" but as blogger vs. audience! Who's ready for some round-ups?!


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