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Two Minutes and Thirty-Seven Seconds


Two Minutes and Thirty-Seven Seconds

Even in a remote wilderness, the solar eclipse draws a crowd

Some photography requires just the right setup, just the right lighting, just the right variables, just the right whatever, but that's not how I operate in the backcountry. I just want to watch, to identify some small moment and capture it forever.

Two minutes and thirty-seven seconds is hardly enough time for that.


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Bald and Beautiful on the Appalachian Trail


Bald and Beautiful on the Appalachian Trail

Carver's Gap to US19 section along Appalachian Trail offers incredible views

Some weekend trips just work out perfectly. Sometimes you expect tough climbs or bad weather, or that you'll have to sleep in a cold car the night before you get on the trail. And sometimes you get a bed & breakfast and a beautiful sunset on a stunning bald. My friend Sherry and I explored the Appalachian Trail from Carver's Gap to 19E over Easter weekend, and it was one beautiful adventure!


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Backpacking Tips and Lessons Learned from a Newbie


Backpacking Tips and Lessons Learned from a Newbie

Q&A with Emily after her first time backpacking (our Max Patch adventure)

It's hiking season! I'm super excited about tackling another section of the Appalachian Trail this weekend with another friend and I'm still head over heels with the last trip with Emily. To celebrate I caught up with Emily and got her thoughts on her first backpacking trip and what she learned as a newbie.


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Appalachian Trail: Max Patch, Max Views, Max Adventure


Appalachian Trail: Max Patch, Max Views, Max Adventure

How I introduced my friend to backpacking with incredible views and juuuuuuust a wee bit of snow

We had a few days off work on March 16 and 17 (rumor has it we got those days off because of the start of the NCAA tournament), so with the extra free time my friend Emily and I headed off to the mountains to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail.This was Emily's first backpacking trip and the pressure was on me to make sure she 1) didn't die, and 2) had a good time. (Spoiler: I delivered on #1, and hopefully on #2!)


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Not This Spring


Not This Spring

Putting off the dream of thru-hiking for at least another year

It's early March and the thru-hikers are flocking to the Appalachian Trail, and once again - for yet another spring - I can't help but be jealous of them. People post in Facebook groups and forum threads that I follow: some with trepidation before their journey, some with elation over some discovery, and some desperate for an ounce of encouragement after confronting setbacks or difficulty or fear.


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R and R


R and R

I was about a mile into my hike of Hunt Fish Falls at Wilson’s Creek when I realized something: I wasn’t there for my usual reasons - pain, masochism, exercise, big views - but simply to get away from distractions and process.


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Grandfather Mountain


Grandfather Mountain

I was slow to get moving on Saturday morning, putzing around for last minute packing and shopping for food like salami and trail mix. All this meant I was a little slow to leave for Boone, past rusting cars in a field by a sign that read "Dirt for Sale" and billboards and signs advertising ski supplies and fly fishing guides. Worse than being late though was finding the Profile Trail parking lot blocked by orange cones and a sign that read "Lot Full." I skidded into a parking lot down the road from the trailhead to try to figure out my next move. There was another trail option for hiking up Grandfather Mountain: I just had to find it.


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Grayson Highlands Video


Grayson Highlands Video

Over the holidays I somehow managed to convince my dad that I totally needed a GoPro. I carried the GoPro on the recent Grayson Highlands backpacking trip. I loved the photo results from that post, and I finally got around to playing with some of the video. So, without further ado: here's a video! 


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