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Fastest Known Times (FKTs)

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Fastest Known Times (FKTs)

Fastest Known Times (FKTs) have exploded in popularity in recent years. But what is an FKT? Who can submit one? Who are the people out there setting FKTs, and what more can we do to help support those people or what can we do to attempt one ourselves?

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The Ultimate Bucket List of Epic Adventures!


The Ultimate Bucket List of Epic Adventures!

I heard one time that having a long bucket list meant you were a very optimistic person. Or, that you’re silly and delusional, I forget which. But the gist is that if you have a long bucket list, you are imagining a future full of life and experiences. And, while a 370 item (plus an extra 42 mountains to summit and 28 long trails to hike/run) bucket list is…more than a bit excessive…I like to think that this list is an aspirational guideline for when I need inspiration.


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Becoming Ultra: How I Started Trail Running and Signed Up for an Ultramarathon


Becoming Ultra: How I Started Trail Running and Signed Up for an Ultramarathon

I didn’t always consider myself a trail runner, but now, on the brink of becoming a trail ultramarathoner, I realize how trail running has always been important to me.

It has been a ridiculously long time since I’ve been active on this blog, and yes, I miss it, but on the other hand it’s been thrilling to have such a fast-paced summer.

So if I haven’t been blogging, then what the heck have I been up to?! (The responsible and mostly true but boring answer is I’ve been busy with my job - technology moves fast and creating innovative technology means I have to move even faster.) But the more exciting thing to say is I’ve been running trails.


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125 Gators...126 Gators...127 Alligators in Okefenokee Swamp

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125 Gators...126 Gators...127 Alligators in Okefenokee Swamp

When I decided to kayak 10 miles out to a platform campsite in the middle of a Georgia swamp I figured I'd see some gators. I had no idea I'd see well over a hundred!

127 gators. That's how many alligators I'd seen since I set off from the Suwanee Canal entrance of Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia at 10am on April 14. I know because I kept count.

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